Saturday, May 19, 2007

Safe Havens

By some miracle of grace you may just have noticed that for you the end times have become the now times. Simply by standing still for just a few short decades you have become a dangerous thought criminal .
So fast is this pace of change that what was once considered by humanity for millenia as perfectly normal is now percieved by the majority of mankind as the haunt of the lunatic fringe . The things that were once sacred for the people of the past are now trashed by the herd as they move ever faster with the tide that sweeps away even the deepest and surest pillars of Christian civilisation.
Never, not even at the heights of the industrial revolution has the effect been so swift, pronounced or as deeply felt . The eternal patterns of life that could once be recognised by all the peoples of the planet have exploded!
Change used to be imperceptable, and because these changes were slow they could be checked . Things for the bad usually died during this organic process, because it was just that, organic . If over time the changes were proven to work they were accomodated as tradition and passed on in custom, if not they survived briefly but were ultimately consigned to the scrap heap of fad, fashion and novelty . The difference today is that fashion itself has become the modern custom . Each new change is accepted immediatly, the only gold standard being expedience . Does it please me ? Is it easy ?and can I have it now ? After surviving this intensive scrutiny the stamp that confirms that the newest novelty has met all the requirements of modern man is the word 'MORE'.
After having been thoroughly doped and sedated by this self loving addiction, the evil one can move in and begin his work of dismantling the reef of religious belief that for so long has protected man from himself.
Well advanced he is, and each waking day those with eyes to see can witness this demolition . Each day pandoras box releases a new demon and each day a guiding angel is imprisoned . Some, not blind but only squinting in fear of catching the full glare of this carnage say to themselves, 'If it gets any worse I'll , I'll , I will I'll do something . After a brief head scratch he continues as before accepting each new final straw as a bed to lie on.
Abortion, contraception , homosexuality, homosexual marriage, adoption and indoctrination, cloning, human/animal hybrids, euthanasia, if someone suggests that paedophilia , incest and bestiality will never join the ranks this monstrous hit parade, maybe, just maybe they should get to the front of the queue and make that same assertion to the first born head of this ever growing hydra that appeared and was accepted and worshipped less than a brief generation ago.
The breaks are off, things are bad and they are going to get far worse . That assertion may depress some but I encourage them to examine the recent past as proof of the veracitity of that statement . Without a break to apply the pressure to slow down and stop civilisation from it's carreering down hill, how on earth can a reverse or u turn ever be expected . Now this break that we need humanly and politically speaking will never shut the lid to this sewer completely , because that lid is infact the gates of hell.
The tool that God uses time and again to convince man to return to him and be saved is the rod of chastisement . The current state of mans iniquity shames the times of Noah, soddom and Gommorah and caligula by it's depths of sheer universally accepted depravity. The wages due for those sins is crying out to be paid.
While trusting in his intervention and petitioning him with prayer we must fill the time in waiting . How does one do that today?
The terror of this particular atheistic experiment, this capitalist/socialist nightmare that we are living today is only visible by those who can see the junction of the past and the present and the future . Those who can see , can evaluate, they can weigh the value of each new change, based on what was gained, what was lost and at what cost.
Whom do you serve? The choice is becoming clearer each day . Do you serve the lord of the world and his new emperors that have crowned themselves in God's sanctury or do you serve Christ the king Lord of your total life. Follow this sequence and weigh its probability if you would . Society continues as it is , the sheer volume of ever increasing occassions of sin and the complete abandonment of the guidence of the good God damns more and more souls to hell .The strong medicine that would be required to avert this and to save souls will have to be of an order that because of mans pride levels would need to eclipse anything seen previously . To re-orientate man he will need to be levelled first .
The collapse of this system could come in many ways and from many directions, war in the east, plague, natural disaster etc, perhaps even all three together . The direction of the collapse is fairly academic because from what ever direction it comes it will come for the same purpose . Like the scourges sent to Egypt to obtain the freedom of Gods chosen, these scourges will come to free man from himself and to reach out to God as saviour . Those few who can see the thunder and lightning of this spiritual storm can rest assured that the physical whirlwind will follow close on it's tail . Spiritual preparedness is obviously paramount in the obtaining the gift of eternal life, and that spiritual tribulation is here today . But what does one do physically to prepare to survive the tribulation that inevitably will follow from it ?
Man is totally dependant on the state for everything from food at the supermarket, water through the taps and heat and light via the utilities . He is in affect a baby, he has made himself so in an attempt to release himself from the responsibility to survive. He has given that responsibility to the state as parent.
So what happens when through an emergency that parent can no longer cope? If we dare use our imagination on this one it is not difficult to see . First an eruption of anarchy and disorder where the strong trample the weak . The days when Christian men accepted the self sacrifice of ' women and children first' are long gone . The first will be the strongest . The weakest will be trampled to death in the mad scrum as the vineer of civilisation is ripped from the brutish animal that man has willed to become . A glimpse of this terror was brought home during the recent hurricane katrina, where the weak trapped in the super bowl were preyed upon mercilessly by the strong . Murder, rape and robbery were the wages paid out . Looting and barbarity will be the immediate response to the breakdown.

'Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; rather weep for yourselves and for your children. For the days will surely come when people will say ' Happy are those who are barren, the wombs that have never bourne , the breasts that never suckled'. Then they will begin to say to the mountains ' fall on us' to the hills ' cover us!'

It was thus for Babylon, Greece and for Rome before they fell and it will be the more for this order because it is that much more all pervading and controlling in it's grip of our individual lives.
Fortunately rural Ireland is still a long way from being Louisiana, outside of the big cities and towns familial ties still hold . The neighbourhoods that provide the parishioners for the local churches might react differently to the way they would in Bradford, the bronx or broadwater farm or even Dublin.
An emergency is due, reacting to it before it arrives would be prudent . Embracing the past before it kicks in the door would be the best defence in mitigating it's effects. Detatch yourself from Babylon.
The word 'separatism' confuses and alarms many . 'Arnt we meant to be a light in the world?' they ask . Undoubtedly, however that light must shine not just in this generation but in those to come . That is why the small lambs and the tiny flames that are the children given into each Christian family must be protected and gaurded from both the wolves and the hard winds . When candles are burning strongly and when they are standing together, their light is that much brighter and reaches so much further into the darkness.
Lets say you are not convinced that the privations you would have to accept today are proportionate to the threat that might or might not happen tommorrow . That is certainly something worthy of consideration. Do you have to sit in the storm shelter months before the storm hits? Perhaps not, but what I am proposing here is that we prepare the storm shelter in advance of the storm.
Since the begining there have been attempts to secure a safe haven from both the disorder and chastisement that inevitably followed it . Many nations seeking independence from the tyranny of imperialism have built nations within nations, while in modern times various indiginous peoples rights have been afforded plenty of largesse from big brother and have had specific areas accorded to them so that they could continue as seperate entities. There have been many third ways, and most of those ways have been wrong ways. The true way between the constant tensions of conserve on the one hand and progress on the other is Christs way.
The Catholic church and its hidden treasure of social doctrine are the only blue print for human existence that should interest us . We will have to do everything ourselves and ignore repressive and unrepresentative govenments almost entirely, they will fall and rise as they have always done while we must attempt as best we can to avoid their continued encroachments into both our adult lives and our childrens worlds .To be authentically free from babylon is as simple as ceasing to use it and by degrees our journey should be just that. And when those who scoff at the privations that you accept as part of the price for that freedom finally run for cover what they will be trying to find you will not only have found but have ready . Please God like the loaves and the fishes and the heavenly manna , divine multiplication will help you assist those whom the Lord will most assuredly send in your direction.
The most natural and most effective safe haven in the midst of this chaos would be a cluster of families and individuals of a like mind, living in close proximity to each other in a rural situation . Far from being an abnormal or synthetic construct this is infact the ideal that has sustained and supported the flowering of human civilisation since the begining . Leaving the city is the most important move you could make . When the Jews left the city of Egypt they left in such a hurry that even the dough for the morning bread remained unleavened . Now we might not have to leave overnight as they did but if we plan for our journey today, if we could but spend a few tears now we might save buckets of tears tommorrow. When the flood waters reach your doorstep take yourself your wife and your family to higher ground . It is by no accident that the fertile ground that supports the health of the physical life at the same time nourishes the spiritual life.
Colonising an area of countryside and living in an alliance of clustered homesteading families is something that the amish of America are and have been doing for centuries . It would not be in imitation of the amish that the Irish Catholic adopted this lifestyle but in imitation of his Grandfather! In Ireland that way of life continued preserved from the claws of advancement and progress right up to less than half a century ago. To be in the world but not of it , to inhabit a parallell society, a real society standing in the same time and space as this virtual society but independant from it. Whether we do this now or later it is inevitable that the 'covered wagons ' of these new pioneers will continue leaving the metropolis in search, not of a new life but of the Old life . In search not of material gain but as an escape from the worst excesses of material tyranny . If you move house, make sure that one of the most important criteria in your re-positioning is that you move closer to another christian family . It does'nt matter if they ar'nt your 'type' or whether they believe this or that prophecy or visionary. You are not marrying them and you are not going to set up house with them . Whether you see them a lot or rarely is not going to be the most important issue . What will be important however is that you will have made a committment to each other. 'If you need me I will be there for you, I might not hang around for a cuppa afterwards but you have got me if you need me'. The peace of mind that this commitment buys should transcend any of the minor differences that so bedevil the confused but scincere Catholic today . Trusting must always take presidence over liking in times of emergency . Now, if you can both trust and like someone then you have already moved closer to them . The enemies of Christ have such a unity of hate towards him that it seems to nullify any of the thousand differences among them, not surprisingly because like the the demoniac their name is 'legion'. For the many catholics that seek but have no absolute understanding of the whereabouts of the orthodoxy they all aspire to, the rebuilding of the chuch remains fixed on arguments on where to place the first brick, and who should lay it . The oneness of the true faith has become shredded to pieces while the devil and all his minions become united in their onslaughts.
If families truly understood the perilous state of affairs in this increasingly hostile territory they might better appreciate their jeopardy and their need to respond with others in the face of it . Any of these future settlements should be places not of huddled besieged neurotics but of clear sighted faith inspired realists who so value the primacy of the next world over this passing world that they are willing to make sacrifices, not continuing compromises in the face of the world the flesh and the Devil . So many today think that accepting ever increasing doses of sin into their family life is the only way that they can show others that they are 'normal' . The safety of your wife and your children are paramount , Your job is to rescue them from the lions not throw them to the lions. To be able to sally forth from your fort to stike a blow at the enemies surrounding you, you first need to build your fort ! . It is a contest between the Christ instituted Kingdom of the family versus Satan in the form of the individualist man centered super state. Of Mary's children and the Dragon.
There is no directory for the countless like minded souls and many hermit families that live scattered across this fair nation . However God is moving them , they are meeting, sometimes passing like ships in the night, but the movement is afoot.
Whether you meet them lighting a candle at the back of church, at a holywell, a shrine like Knock or at the summit of a mountain like croagh Patrick dont loose the moment, make contact.
This magazine the Hibernian is like a small radio signal , the voice of the resistence bringing hope to those besieged in occupied lands . How long it will keep going is anybodies guess but while it is there share it with others , buy some extra copies and give them to members of your family or workmates , leave some in the doctors surgery amongst the filth that is so readilly tolerated, or in the library. The powers that be have already attempted to bring the Hibernian down but thank God those committed to it are still beating out the distress signal.
First build your own small piece of 'Free Ireland' and then go join the resistence!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am very sorry you feel this way. I hope you feel better.